NFTs prove ownership of a unique digital asset like art, music, collectibles, videos or anything else with blockchain technology. NFT stands for non-fungible token. That sounds like an intimidating technical term (no more nerd talk, promise!). But NFTs are just digital certificates of authenticity. If you buy a physical painting, you know it’s real because you see the artist’s signature on the canvas. Somebody can photocopy the painting, but they don’t own it — you do. Before NFTs, digital assets were like photocopies: You can see who posted something, but you can’t see who owns an Instagram post, Pinterest Pin or Reddit meme. NFTs are like a signature for digital items: They authenticate ownership of digital assets like art, collectibles, music, videos, in-game assets, and more. Just like physical certificates, they document: Who created it When it was created Who bought it (and when) The price(s) it solds for Who owns it now (Technically, NFTs can contain any data the creator wants to include, but the above are most relevant.) All of this is public via a blockchain, so anyone can trace each of your NFTs from the original creator all the way to your wallet—and verify its authenticity (even the friends who call you crazy for buying a profile picture

When you first create an NFT, you “mint” it with a few clicks — which might mean you have to pay a fee to the network (none of this goes to EMG). Fees depend on the blockchain and minting option. Blockchains charge a fee for minting, buying and selling.

Just like your physical wallet, your crypto wallet is secure as long as you don’t compromise it. When you connect your wallet to EMG, you only give us permission to “view the addresses of your permitted accounts”, meaning we can’t take anything out of your wallet. Any transaction that costs you anything will be a separate pop-up you have to confirm each time. So you’re safe when you’re on EMG — but what about other pages? Follow these guidelines: Crypto wallets are almost impossible to hack. Most of the “hacks” you hear about are actually mistakes: The owner interacted with a malicious site or gave a scammer access to their wallet. Sometimes, bad actors DM you from a fake support account and ask you for the 12-word seed phrase. NEVER give that phrase to anyone. Ideally, write it down on paper so it stays completely offline. Here we are on the frontier of technology, telling you to write things down on paper. But only you can keep your wallet safe—so here’s a few guidelines on how you can make sure you don’t get scammed: Never share your private keys, seed phrase or wallet passwords. Store your private keys using a verified digital vault so that your information is safe and easily accessible to you. Verify every transaction you sign and only connect your wallet to websites/apps you trust.
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